Photographs, Paintings and Sculptures

thu 14 JUNE 2012
Auction 10 - II

Photographs, Paintings and Sculptures

thu 14 JUNE 2012
Firenze, via Ricasoli 6, 14/r, 16r
Auction times
Viewing from Monday 4 until Wednesday 13th
Photographs, Paintings and Sculptures
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1 / 30  of 190 LOTS
Lot 562

Rachele e gli idoli rubati

Oil on canvas, in 29,1 x 38 In a carved and gilt wood frame, in 33,5 x 43,1
Base price
EUR 16.000,00
Lot 560

Mosè salvato dalle acque

Oil on canvas, in 28,5 x 38,8 In a carved and gilt wood frame, in 34,5 x 43,1
Base price
EUR 16.000,00
Lot 561

Mosè bambino calpesta la corona del faraone

Oil on canvas, in 28,5 x 38,8 In a carved and gilt wood frame, in 34,5 x 43,1
Base price
EUR 16.000,00
Lot 556

Lorenzo Pasinelli (Bologna, 1629 - 1700) [attribuito a]

Il martirio di Sant'Orsola

Oil on canvas, in 24,2 x 31,5 In a carved and gilt wood frame, in 30,1 x 37
Base price
EUR 15.000,00
Lot 557


Oil on canvas, in 37,8 x 47,2 In a carved and gilt wood frame, in 46,7 x 55,3
Base price
EUR 15.000,00
Lot 553

Capriccio architettonico con figure (con veduta di Firenze?)

Oil on canvas, in 28,5 x 22,8 In a carved and gilt wood frame, in 35,2 x 29,3
Base price
EUR 14.500,00
Lot 555

Il mito d'Europa

Oil on canvas, in 25,6 x 34,6 In a carved and gilt wood frame, in 33,5 x 42,9
Base price
EUR 13.000,00
Lot 549

Adriaen van Nieulandt (Anversa, 1587 - Amsterdam, 1658)

Paesaggio con rovine romane

Oil on canvas, in 24 x 39 In a carved and gilt wood frame, in 31,1 x 42,5
Base price
EUR 11.000,00
Lot 529

Giovanni Camillo Sagrestani (Firenze, 1660 - 1731)

Preparativi per un banchetto

Oil on canvas, in 18 x 34 In a wood frame, in 22,2 x 37,6 Dated lower right: 1702
Base price
EUR 11.000,00
Lot 548

Veduta con rovine romane e personaggi

Oil on canvas, in 36,2 x 50,8 In a gilt pastiglia frame, in 42,9 x 57,5 Old inscription on verso: 'Luca [..]
Base price
EUR 9.000,00
Lot 521

Salita al calvario

Oil on canvas, in 25,2 x 31,9 In a carved and polychrome frame with leaves and fruits, in 31,3 x 38
Base price
EUR 9.000,00
Lot 522

Deposizione di Cristo nel sepolcro

Oil on canvas, in 25,2 x 31,9 In a carved and polychrome frame with leaves and fruits, in 31,3 x 38
Base price
EUR 9.000,00
Lot 530

Vincenzo Mannozzi (Firenze, 1600 - 1658)

Scena mitologica

Oil on copper, in 10,6 x 14,2 In a wood frame, in 15 x 19
Base price
EUR 9.000,00
Lot 524

Corrado Giaquinto (Molfetta, 1703 - Napoli, 1766) [attribuito a]

Scena bacchica

Oil on canvas, in 19,7 x 28 In a carved and gilt wood frame, in 24,8 x 31,2
Base price
EUR 8.500,00
Lot 565

a) Sposalizio mistico di Santa Caterina

A pair, both oil on panel, in 8,5 x 12 In a carved and gilt wood frame, in 14,2 x 18,1
Base price
EUR 8.000,00
Lot 554

Diogene nella botte

Oil on canvas, in 50 x 37 Unframed
Base price
EUR 8.000,00
Lot 563

Tre santi in preghiera davanti a una città

Oil on panel, in 14,7 x 20,1 In a wood frame, in 23,4 x 28
Base price
EUR 6.000,00
Lot 508


Polychrome wood sculpture, in 20,9 x 13
Base price
EUR 5.500,00
Lot 538

Antonio Bellucci (Pieve di Soligo, 1654 - 1726)

Diana e Endimione

Oil on canvas, in 23,6 x 23,2 In a wood frame, in 29,1 x 28,7
Base price
EUR 5.000,00
sold : Registration
Lot 523


Oil on oval canvas, in 38,6 x 29,1 In a wood frame, in 44,5 x 34,6
Base price
EUR 4.500,00
Lot 558

Ritratto di vecchio barbuto

Oil on canvas, in 22 x 17 In a carved and gilt wood frame, 26 x 20,5
Base price
EUR 4.500,00
Lot 559

Ritratto di giovane uomo

Oil on canvas, in 22,8 x 17,3 In a carved and gilt wood frame, in 26 x 21
Base price
EUR 4.500,00
sold : Registration
Lot 509

Telamoni con pesci

A pair of gilt wood sculptures, in 33,5 x 2,7
Base price
EUR 4.500,00
Lot 575

Isaac De Moucheron (Amsterdam, - 1744)

Paesaggio con architetture e personaggi

Oil on canvas, in 20,7 x 24,6 In a gilt pastiglia frame, in 27,4 x 31,5 Signed lower right: I. Moucheron [..]
Base price
EUR 4.000,00
sold : Registration
Lot 496

Sacra Famiglia con San Giovannino

Oil on panel, in 15,9 x 11,8 In a wood frame, in 18,1 x 13,6
Base price
EUR 4.000,00
Lot 526

Ritratto di dama con bimbo e pettirosso

Oil on canvas, in 38,6 x 28,5 In a wood frame, in 44,5 x 34,4
Base price
EUR 4.000,00
Lot 551

Pelagio Palagi (Bologna, 1775 - Torino, 1860)

Ritratto di Franz Liszt (?)

Oil on canvas, in 18,7 x 15,5 In a gilt pastiglia frame, in 22 x 18,7
Base price
EUR 4.000,00
sold : Registration
Lot 528

Martirio di San Lorenzo

Oil on canvas, in 25 x 19,7 In a wood frame, in 30,1 x 25
Base price
EUR 3.800,00
Lot 488

Natura morta con fiori

Oil on canvas, in 15 x 52,5 In a wood frame, in 17,5 x 54,7
Base price
EUR 3.600,00
Lot 547

Ritratto di giovane uomo con cappello (autoriotratto?)

Oil on canvas, in 20,1 x 17,1 In a carved and gilt wood frame, in 26,8 x 23,8 Two old tags on verso
Base price
EUR 3.500,00
sold : Registration
1 / 30  of 190 LOTS