Antiquarian book auction from the collection of Luigi Gonnelli & [..]

mon 15 -  tue 16 JANUARY 2018
Lot 66

Augustinus Aurelius (santo)

De civitate Dei.
Lot 105

Boccaccio Giovanni

Fiammetta [...] Dopo la ultima e più fedel firentina impressione novamente revista...
Lot 131

Bourgeois du Castelet Florent Fidèle Constant

Serie di vedute e paesaggi italiani.
Lot 235

Feuillet Raoul Auger

Choregraphie ou l'Art de décrire la dance, par caracteres, figures et signes démonstratifs...
Lot 239

Finé Oronce

Protomathesis: opus varium, ac scitu non minus utile quàm iucundum...
Lot 416

Moroni Lino

Descrizione del Sacro Monte della Vernia...
Lot 519

San Bernardo

Sermoni Vulgari Devotissimi [...] Ridocti in lingua Toscana.
Lot 527

Savonarola Girolamo

Libro [...]: della verita della Fede Christiana, sopra el Glorioso Triompho della Croce di Christo.
Lot 553

Simpson William

The seat of the war in the East.
Lot 589

Terzio Francesco

Francisci Tertii Bergomatis Sereniss. Ferdinandi Archiducis Austriae Ducis Burgundiae Comitis Tirolis...
Lot 603

da Carpi Ugo

Thesauro de Scrittori Opera artificiosa...
Lot 619

Viani Lorenzo

Il martirio. Raccolta di XII Xilografie originali e dirette.
Auction 24

Antiquarian book auction from the collection of Luigi Gonnelli & [..]

mon 15 JANUARY -  tue 16 JANUARY 2018
Auction times

I Sale Session: Monday 15th January, 3 pm

Lots 1-359: Printed Books 15th-20th Century (Part I)

II Sale Session: Tuesday 16th January, 3 pm

Lots 360-643Printed Books 15th-20th Century (Part II)
Lots 644-700Books "in stock"
Lots 701-731Prints "in stock"

The books will be sold only during the auction's days: from the 15th to the 16th of January.
The unsold lots will be immediately removed and won't be considered for any purchase after the auction.

From Monday 8nd to Sunday 14th January 2018
9-1 pm / 3:30-7 pm
Antiquarian book auction from the collection of Luigi Gonnelli & [..]