Auction calendar

Auction 0036
tue 11 OCTOBER -  wed 12 OCTOBER 2022
via Fra' Giovanni Angelico 49 Firenze
Auction times
I SESSION: Tuesday , 11th of October 10 am Lots 1-91: Photographs & autographs, manuscripts and musical works Lots 92-128: A collection of miniature books II SESSION: Tuesday , 11th of October 2 pm Lots 129-219: Art books Lots 220-244: [..]
Viewing da giovedì 6 a lunedì 10 ottobre ore 9:30-13 e 14-18
Auction 0035
thu 1 SEPTEMBER -  thu 8 SEPTEMBER 2022
FOREIGN CUSTOMERS and EXPORT PERMITS For the goods sold through Gonnelli Timebid auctions, the service of requesting export permits is not offered. Foreign customers who wish to export the goods they purchased can address directly to specialised [..]

Auction 0034
mon 4 JULY -  thu 14 JULY 2022
Catalogo online dal 1 luglio 2022; Offerte aperte dal 4 al 14 luglio 2022.
Viewing su appuntamento dal 4 all'8 luglio in orario 9:30-13 14:30-18:00
Auction 0033
wed 8 JUNE -  fri 10 JUNE 2022
Auction times
I SESSION: Wednesday 8th of June 10 am Lots 1-134: Ancient prints II SESSION: Wednesday 8th of June 2 pm Lots 135- 170: Napoleonica Lots 171- 238: Maps Lots 239- 269: Nautical maps Lots 270- 301: Ancient drawings, paintings and collectibles [..]
Viewing dal 3 al 7 giugno, ore 10-13 14-17:30
Auction 0032
mon 11 APRIL -  tue 12 APRIL 2022
Ritiro dei beni possibile SOLO SU APPUNTAMENTO
Auction times
I SESSION: Monday, 11th of April 10 am Lots 1-102: Photographs & autographs, manuscripts and musical works II SESSION: Monday, 11th of April 2 pm Lots 103-187: Art books Lots 188-242: Children books & illustrated Russian editions Lots 243-262: Futurism [..]
Contatta segreteria@gonnelli per fissare un appuntamento
Auction 0031
tue 26 OCTOBER -  fri 29 OCTOBER 2021
Grand Hotel Mediterraneo Firenze
Auction times
Si ricorda ai gentili Clienti che il ritiro dei Beni aggiudicati in Asta 31 e la visione degli invenduti per la vendita Post-Asta è possibile esclusivamente tramite appuntamento, contattandoci via email all'indirizzo [..]
The pick up off your purchase is possible by appointment only
Auction 0030
mon 19 APRIL -  wed 21 APRIL 2021
Auction times
PRINTS, DRAWINGS AND PAINTINGS | BOOKS, MANUSCRIPTS AND AUTOGRAPHS I Session: Monday, 19th of April - 10 am Lots 1-110: Antique prints Lots 111-140: Antique drawings and paintings   II Session: Monday, 19th of April - 2 pm Lots [..]
Auction 0029
tue 1 DECEMBER -  thu 3 DECEMBER 2020
Auction times
I Session: Tuesday, December the 1th - 10 am Lots 1-102: Antique prints and maps Lots 103-122: Antique drawings Lots 123-205: Antique and modern paintings   II session: Tuesday, December the 1th - 2 pm Lots 206-434: Stampe moderne [..]