sab 17 MAGGIO 2014
 Cartier Bresson Henry : Lettera autografa siglata inviata all'attrice americana Ruth Ford.  - Asta LIBRI, MANOSCRITTI, STAMPE E DISEGNI - Libreria Antiquaria Gonnelli - Casa d'Aste - Gonnelli Casa d'Aste
Lotto 481

Cartier Bresson Henry

Lettera autografa siglata inviata all'attrice americana Ruth Ford.

Datata 29 luglio 1935, New York.

Manoscritto a inchiostro nero. 1 carta, scritta recto e verso. Su carta intestata “Hotel Edison / […] New York”. Busta e francobollo conservati. Dimensioni: 240x150 mm.

Missiva inviata alla celebre modella e attrice Americana, sorella di Charles Ford, poeta, romanziere e fotografo surrealista. «I am pleased the ocean rushes you boad to your head but you should control it […]. But I am afraid you and Charles have a moon-complex. I just recived a beautiful moonlight in Florence from him. Some evanescent people […] in a green night and Charles among them wearing a beard and a cape. Well the sun is pleasant enough and I spend my time reading and eating apple pies muffins (corn) and spagnetti. I haven’t seen George since a long time I guess the picture will start in a week […]. I an trying to remember Parker’s address but I can’t […]. I need the article he wrote about the exhibition I had with Walter Evans […]».

Base d'asta
EUR 200,00
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