thu 15 NOVEMBER -  fri 16 NOVEMBER 2012
Lot 458

Galvani Luigi

Scienze tecniche e matematiche

De viribus electricitatis in motu musculari commentarius.

Bononiae: ex typographia Instituti scientiarum, 1791.

In-4° (mm 261x202). Pagine 58, con 1 tavola ripiegata fuori testo (su 4), incisa da Giuseppe Zambelli. Segnature: A-G4 H2(-H2). Macchie di inchiostro lavate e gora d'acqua al margine delle prime 30 pagine. Legatura moderna in pergamena. Pubblicato per la prima volta nel VII volume del De Bononiensi Scientiarum et artium institute atque Academia Commentarii, pagine 363-418.

Prima edizione di questo testo fondamentale per la medicina nevronale; esemplare scompleto di 3 carte di tavole. PMM, 240: «Galvani's influence on the modern development of energy, electrochemistry and electromagnetism is an indirect one. But there is no doubt that modern electrophysiology... derives from those observations of the behaviour of the frog's legs»; McHenry, History of Neurol., pagine 124 e ss: «Galvani's discovery of the electrical properties of excised tissue was the starting point of modern electrophysiology... The most telling effect of Galvani's work was its destruction of the outworn hypothesis of the nervous system's activation by the soul, by animal spirits or by nerve fluid»; Fulton 1; Garrison-Morton 593; Dibner, Heralds of Science, 59; Honeyman Collection, 1428; Wheeler Gift 570.

Base price
EUR 1.200,00
sold : Registration