Paintings, Prints, Drawings and Fine Art

fri 11 -  sat 12 DECEMBER 2015
Auction 18

Paintings, Prints, Drawings and Fine Art

fri 11 DECEMBER -  sat 12 DECEMBER 2015
Auction times
First session: Friday 11 December, 3:00 pm
Paintings, Ceramics, Prints, Drawings, Sculptures, Medals, Maps from XV to XIX century
Second session: Saturday 12 December, 3:00 pm
Modern Prints & Drawings

Almost 700 lots including important antique Paintings, a rare collection of Ceramics and Fine Art's objects, as well as numerous Prints and Drawings selected for this wide winter auction. Catalogue available from early November.
Viewing from Friday December 4th to Tuesday December 10th, 9:00-13:00 am and 3:00-7:00 pm
Paintings, Prints, Drawings and Fine Art
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691 / 693  of 693 LOTS
Ritratto di donna veneziana con ventaglio.
Lot 691

Alessandro Zezzos (Venezia, 1848 - Vittorio Veneto, 1914)

Ritratto di donna veneziana con ventaglio.

Acquarello su cartoncino. mm 415x305. Firmato, datato e dedicato a Ettore Ferrari in basso a destra: “Al [..]
EUR 2.500,00
Padovane lune, versi di Giorgio Segato...
Lot 692

Padovane lune, versi di Giorgio Segato...

Padova : Panda arte, 2001.
Cartella a scatola (mm 260x250x30). 7 poesie e 7 acqueforti a maniera nera a fogli sciolti. Esemplare n. 14/50. [..]
EUR 250,00
Parigi. Le Moulin Rouge.
Lot 693

Augusto Zoboli (Modena, 1894 - 1991)

Parigi. Le Moulin Rouge.

Matita a pastello rosso. mm 500x400. Titolato, firmato e datato a matita in basso ai lati.
EUR 300,00
691 / 693  of 693 LOTS