Auction 26 / Books & Graphics

mon 4 FEBRUARY -  wed 6 FEBRUARY 2019
Lot 955

Petit Jean-Louis

Medicina, Oculistica, Medicina

L'art de guerir les maladies des os. Où l'on traite des luxations & des fractures, avec les instrumens necessaires & une machine de nouvelle invention pour les réduire...

A Paris: Chez Laurent d'Houry, 1705.

In-8° (mm 155x89). Pagine [20], 304. Con alcune illustrazioni incise in legno nel testo. Esemplare uniformemente brunito e con alcune fioriture sparse ma buona copia. Legatura coeva in piena pelle maculata con titoli su tassello e decori in oro al dorso. Ex-libris Vincenzo Gallucci, l'illustre cardiochirurgo che eseguì il primo trapianto di cuore in Italia, al contropiatto.

Prima rara edizione. Cfr. Blake 345; Garrison-Morton 4300: «He is particularly remembered for his work on bone diseases. He invented the screw tourniquet, gave the first account of osteomalacia, and was the first to open the mastoid process»; Wellcome IV, 343; manca a Heirs of Hippocrates, che censisce l'edizione del 1784: «Petit was the leading French surgeon of the early eighteenth century and the first director of the Académie de Chirurgie in Paris. This, his major work, was first published in 1705 as L'art de guérir les maladies des os and was translated into English in 1726. It is in this work that he gave the first account of osteomalacia and of clot formation in arteries following ligation».

Base price
EUR 500,00
sold : Registration