Auction 23 - II / Books & Graphics. Part II: Books, Manuscripts & Autographs

tue 10 OCTOBER -  wed 11 OCTOBER 2017
 Swinburne Algernon Charles : 2 componimenti poetici autografi: 'A flower of acacia' e 'Song of Italy'. Letteratura straniera, Letteratura  - Auction Books & Graphics. Part II: Books, Manuscripts & Autographs - Libreria Antiquaria Gonnelli - Casa d'Aste - Gonnelli Casa d'Aste
Lot 790

Swinburne Algernon Charles

Letteratura straniera, Letteratura

2 componimenti poetici autografi: 'A flower of acacia' e 'Song of Italy'.

Datate 1867 e 1898.

Manoscritti a inchiostro nero su carta azzurra. 2 carte, scritte al recto. Dimensioni: 250x205 mm. 

Incipit di "A flower of acacia": "O white birth of the golden mountain-side / that for the sun's love makes its bosom wide [...]". Incipit di "Song of Italy": "Thou too, O little laurelled town of towers [...]". 

Base price
EUR 340,00
sold : Registration